Slides: OpenOffice PowerPoint
Reading: HFHTML Ch. 9
Homework: due today. Before you add or change files on your web site, prepare a version of what you want your web site to look like on your thumb drive. Use an FTP client to synchronize your web site to the version on your thumb drive.
The CIE 1976 color chart .
To choose web colors
(use 6 or 3 character HEX codes, preceded by a #
, to specify colors other than:
aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red,
silver, teal, white, and yellow):
To validate your CSS files:
My Documentsdirectory.
journalfolder for Chapter 9, create a file
journal.csswith the following rule:
body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif; }
journal.htmland view the results in a browser.
journal.htmland style sheet,
h1to be your favorite color,
h2) to be a lighter color of the same hue,
journal.cssfile using the CSS validator:
On your thumb drive:
labsdirectory, create a subdirectory for today's lab.
journaldirectory to this new subdirectory.
labsdirectory'sindex.htmlto the page you worked on today.
about medirectory, create a style sheet,
about.css, for your website.
about mepages to this style sheet.
about.cssstyle sheet to:
Always shut down your computer and turn off your display before leaving the lab.